D23 EXPO – Part 1

It’s going to take me days to write about this event, and I was only there less than 48 hours! Anyway, the Disney folks have a fan club called D23, and they hold an Expo every two years at the Anaheim Convention Center. This year is was from August 13-16, and the place was packed with Dizzy fans. The event is turning into a regular San Diego ComiCon, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Expo starts turning up EVERY year.


Anyway, this was my first Expo, and I was delighted to attend – as a Guest, no less! Yes, D23 decided to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of A GOOFY MOVIE with a panel presentation in “Stage 28” on Friday night. The other guests were Bill “Goofy” Farmer, Jason “Max” Marsden, Jim “Pete” Cummings, Rob “P.J.” Paulsen, and Jenna “Stacy” Von Oy — and the host was Don Hahn (producer of The Lion King, Beauty & the Beast, and so many other classics).

My call time was 4pm, which was tight for a school day. So Jennie and I yanked our boy Spencer out of class early and raced down to Anaheim. (When I say “raced,” I mean “fought traffic.”) I figured I was going to be late, but we persevered and checked into the Grand Californian at 3:30pm. (I’d never stayed in this beautiful hotel before… so thanks, D23!) I hopped a VIP shuttle and checked in at the Convention Center.

It's good to be the King.
It’s good to be the King.

I legged it upstairs and discovered that I’d arrived at exactly 4pm. WHEW! But I discovered that none of the other guests had shown up yet. There were, however, numerous dancers preparing for a flash mob that would perform that evening at the Panel. These were all talented Disneyland volunteers, and I had the opportunity to video record their rehearsal – Powerline T-shirts and all! Enjoy!


Eventually, the other guests turned up, and it was a crazy reunion, since I hadn’t seen some of these folks in two decades! Here are some photos:

Jason & Bill chat with a dancer.
My best buddy, Tevin Campbell – who I’d never met before!
FLOWERS & FOOD! (l-to-r) Jim Cummings, Don Hahn (behind flowers), Jennifer Farmer (Bill’s wife), Mrs. and Mr. Steve Vagnini.
Jason and his cheese whiz.
The dapper Rob Paulsen – the only one who wore a coat and tie! (That’s Don Hahn in the b.g.)
Jim Cummings tells Don Hahn, “Y’know, I was in the Lion King, too.”
Pre-show. The calm before the storm. Rob, Jim, Jason & Bill.

More tomorrow!!!